
The Annual General Meeting is held during winter. There is generally a speaker of note or a series of presenters as well as updates on weeding, guided walks, consultation with the City of Stirling, and special projects.

Members are advised of details of the meetings in our email newsletter.

Any interested person can attend to meet members and listen to the speaker. However, only members can vote at general meetings. Members are reminded that a family concession membership is entitled to only two votes.

Committee meetings are held regularly and are attended by office bearers as well as elected committee members where the ordinary business of the Friends of Trigg Bushland is discussed. Any financial member of the Friends of Trigg Bushland is welcome to attend a Committee meeting, although only office bearers and elected committee members can vote. Please contact the Friends to get details of the next Committee meeting should you wish to attend.

Management Committee

The Friends of Trigg Bushland Management Committee comprises seven or more positions, with the current Office Bearers as follows:

Chairperson – Mitch Polain
Vice-Chairperson – vacant
Secretary – Melanie Davies
Treasurer – Steve Wisken
Member – Trish Berridge
Member – Jennie Villiers

Additional Member positions are available.

Nominations for Office Bearers are invited every year ahead of the July AGM, where they are formally announced and endorsed by popular majority vote.